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Antique Golf Clubs from Scotland
Rangefinder Superior putter made by Gibson
Maker: Donaldson Manufacturing Company , Glasgow
Date: 1925

An interesting putter, both in physical form which is clear here, and in its business history to which I doubt anyone is still privy. Gibson, like Ayres and Hendry and Bishop, were enthusiastic manufacturers of putters with long thin hosels which supposedly improved “feel”.

This club with its 5” hosel and long narrow blade is very similar to Gibson’s Gleneagles model but Donaldson’s, who knew a thing or two about distinctive styling themselves with their Rangefinder clubs, must have wanted something clearly theirs so this model is called the Superior. It has the Gibson star and “Donalsdson’s” faintly in script across the reverse of the head. It is also stamped “Hand Forged” and putter. The face has an enclosed dot pattern.

Its hickory shaft is straight and follows the style of other Donaldson clubs in the range, being marked “Rangefinder Made in Scotland” with a thick, built up at the end grip.

From memory, the other putter I can think of made by Gibson looking lijke the Gleneagles but sold under another name was a model for Gordon Lockhart who was professional at …. Gleneagles so perhaps it was something to do with the hotel protecting its name.

A nice display club, it will also attract plenty attention on the putting green.

Price $280.00
Reference: PUT505

Rangefinder Superior putter made by Gibson
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