Long hoselled ladies putter
Hendry & Bishop
, Edinburgh Date: 1923
This putter bears no maker's mark but I am ascribing it to Hendry and Bishop as the long hoselled putter was something of a speciality of theirs with the Viper and Sniper models, for example. This has a 4.5" slightly wry-necked hosel and a noticeably thinner than usual shaft. Although the thinness may be partly attributable to it being a ladies' club it is probably all part of the design idea of the longer hosel transmitting more "feel" from the clubhead. The face pattern, smaller hyphens at the side with a long line in the middle is also quite unusual and I can only ever recall seeing this on a Hendry and Bishop Sniper model.
The club is one of the early rustless models, presumably with the addition of nickel which gives the head the appearance of aluminium. The reverse of the head is stamped "Made in Scotland", "Marathon" (in script), "L", "Putter", "Rust Proofed" and "Special" (in script). The thin shaft is golden hickory and carried the original soft black leather grip.
Price $180.00 Reference: PUT302

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