Short-head brassie with fibre face insert
J & W Craigie
, Montrose Date: 1905
This club, in excellent condition, has no markings whatsoever but the appearance, and its history, are consistent with it being a Comet brand brassie from J&W Craigie of Montrose. The head is beech, in the short-headed design is characteristic of the early 1900s and has a black fibre insert secured by seven hickory pegs. The brass soleplate is fixed with six steel screws. The straight shaft, sheepskin grip and whipping are all original.
Why is not marked? Craigie was largely a wholesale operation so it may be that the club was dispatched to be stamped by the eventual seller. However, one rarely sees a Craigie club without at least a shaft stamp so perhaps someone in the workshop decided to "liberate" the club from its masters before the final stamping.
Price $175.00 Reference: B211
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