Crowley Pin-Hi 3-iron
J S Crowley
, Earlsferry/Glasgow Date: 1928
A club from the end of the hickory era, eye-catching on a wall but historically most interesting if you follow the work of the Crowley family or have a collection specialism of clubs with an Elie and Earlsferry connection.
The reverse of the head is marked “J Crowley & Son Glasgow” in oval form around “Makers”, also marked “3 iron” “Appx Range 150/170 yards” (compare that to the 205 – 230 yards of the modern pro;s 3-iron with all the technology in ball and club), “Pin-Hi Brand”, “Warranted Hand Forged” and “Rustless” which, after 90 or so years, it was – not always the case with the alloys used then.
The black all-weather grip, slightly melted by the sun (presumably it left Glasgow!) is original so left alone and there is a slight backward bend at the top of the shaft. Recognise this as a St Andrews bow when described by an auctioneer or, from a clubmaker, appropriate aligninment of the grain in the shaft to ensure that if it bends, it bends backwards.
Price $105.00 Reference: LIR408
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