Auchterlonie scareneck brassie
Tom Auchterlonie
, St Andrews Date: 1922
A very smart late scareneck brassie, rather hard to date (and possibly from D & W Auchterlonie though the lack of "D& W" and "Special" in the stamp, which is not one of their ususal ones suggest otherwise), but undoubtedly a fine piece of St Andrews craftsmanship.
The persimmon head is beautifully finished and has a small stamp of "Auchterlonie" faintly picked out in gold on the crown. A brass soleplate, secured by six screws, covers a fibre slip.
A long thin scare joins the head to the hickory shaft which is in excellent condition. The worn suede grip may also be original and is certainly from the 1920s with the characteristic area at the lower end for displaying some fancy whipping.
Price $420.00 Reference: B388
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