Clubmakers Charles Playfair Aberdeen Charles Alexander Playfair, born in Aberdeen around 1845, is better known for his fishing tackle, making rods for Prince Albert, and an expert in making vibrating fishing rods (the inventor, Alexander ‘Battan’ Grant, sold his patent to Playfair & Co). He was one of several fishing-rod and gunmakers in Aberdeen making golf clubs also and was recognised as a fine clubmaker. From 1885 onwards he was advertising golfing equipment, along with items for other sports, from his premises on Union Bridge now occupied by Jamieson & Carry. He died on 15 July 1913. The business had been started by his uncle, another Charles, and Deacon convener of the Seven Incorporated Trades of Aberdeen in 1845, as a gunsmith’s, around 1821. This Charles died on 11 March 1876 aged 78. His son, yet another Charles, left Aberdeen in the 1840s and established the gunsmiths Bentley & Playfair in Birmingham in 1845. Search the catalogue for clubs by this maker | |
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